The app coaches and guides business owners on various fundraising strategies, and strategies to simply make money in order to fund your business or lifestyle.
First, the app gives traditional fundraising ideas like raising money via grants, donations (crowdfunding), loans, investment, and a few creative fundraising ideas. The app also gives you ideas for how to make money online. Most businesses never raise money so as the business owner, you may have to figure out ways to make money that you can put into your business.
The app helps your fundraising efforts in the following ways:
1) The app helps your fundraising efforts with eight articles that explain the process raising money, and give some tips to make money to help fund your business. Here is the list of articles:
- General overview on when and where to look to raise money for your business or nonprofit project or organization.
- Raising money via donations and online via crowdfunding, or fundraiser events.
- Raising money via government grants.
- Raising money via government loans, private loans or loans from private companies.
- Raising money by getting an investment from professional investors such as seed investments, angel investments, taking investment from friends and family, and investing in the business from savings or via a more cost-effective business strategy.
- Creative ways to do fundraising from raising money online to doing fundraisers or community events.
- How to set yourself up to get an investment.
- Ways to make money online.
2) The second way the app helps you is by allowing you to create a fundraising plan for how you will get funding for your business via loans, grants, investments, and donations. You can use the fundraising plan software to plan privately, or collaboratively with friends or business partners.
3) The third way the app helps you is by enabling you to watch our 400+ video tutorials on different fundraising ideas, ways to make money, marketing, and general business advice. You can also watch our YouTube channel right on the app and we post a new video every day.
We wish you good luck raising money and much enjoyment in your business!
For tech support or to inquire about fundraising coaching, please contact [email protected]